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For this assignment, we are going to Enhance the interior of reading space at Ulu Melaka Orang Asli Village, Serendah, Selangor so that the kids have a better place to study. All of us are assigned to 6 different groups which are:

1: Sponsorship Team

2: Neighbourhood+ Surrounding

3: Wall + Floor Transformation

4: Shelves + Book Arrangement


6: Pre+ Post+ Logistic

Me and my group mates which are 16 of us choose the FUN- LEARNING Aids group and for this group tasks, we are to design learning aids for the kids to play with. Me and my group mates are working on 4 in a group and each group taking a subject to design the learning aids. The 4 subjects are Science, Math, Art, and English and I am taking the Math group. I was doing the part of making slides of Math subject and I took 3 hours editing it.

The game that we design for Math subject are Snake and Ladder with Abacus and Number Game. These games are to help the kids to recognize and learn the numbers while they are playing with the aids.

Snake and Ladder with Abacus:

- It works somewhat like abacus and has number portrayed the board. At the same time, the beads are able to move to the other side too.

Number Game:

- The cubes are spin-able and has different numbers/signs written on each side.

- There is a white plaster board on the other side where the kids will be able to write their answers.

- The dry board markers will be provided (40 pcs) The purpose of this is to be like a game but also like a quiz.

We were having a presentation on 26th April 2019 to present our design proposal with estimated budget, tools+ equipment. This presentation took 2 hours for all of the groups.


The game that we deigned cannot be too difficult for them to understand and we were having a fun time while figuring out how to design a game that will make the kids to feel happy while learning. This starting is already very fun and I cant wait for the next phase.

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