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Finally we're done editing our video!!! So i'm going to repeat again what is our video about.


There are two girls facing social anxiety and people are always looking down on them. Both of them feel so depressed and started to hurt and calm themselves down. One of the girls feels that she is not pretty enough and she used an eyebrow trimmer to trim her eyebrows; lipstick to make herself prettier; color her eyebrows. But in fact, thing she used to trim her eyebrow is blade and 'lipstick' she used is actually tomato sauce. After that, she jumped into a swimming pool but actually she jumped from a tall building because she feels jumping from the building is like jumping into the water, in the end, she's dead. For the another girl in this video who feels depressed also eats noodle but in fact, she is actually eating nails and rotten eggs. After that, she used a knife to cut a butter but actually she's cutting her hand and she feels like cutting her hand is like cutting the butter, same as the girl before, she's dead too.

The art movement for this video is antipodean.Antipodean is illustrating art through things and object that look similar or feels similar to the act. For this assignment, the thing that we wanted to present is social phobia including the art movement of antipodean to show that how an social phobia victims feels like. Both of the girls feel so depressed facing social anxiety but nobody knows their feeling. There are many people in the world who are facing this problem but seldom people would know their pain and number of victims of social anxiety is keep increasing. Would this ever end? When would this end? We knew this video can't help much but at least we already tried our best to show people how do the victims feel and appeal to everyone to not to hurt anyone anymore because.. this is painful.


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